PSA North of England makes every effort to ensure that this website reflects up-to-date, objective and accurate facts about prostate cancer. It is our hope that these will complement your medical advice and help you to make any decisions that you may face. The information provided on this website is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that may exist between you and your doctor.

What is Prostate Cancer?

Your body is made up of millions of cells which continuously renew themselves to replace old or damaged tissue. When the renewal process gets out of control and begins to invade healthy tissue it is called cancer.

Cancers are described as ‘malignant'. Other words for cancer are tumours and neoplasms. Sometimes cancer cells can break away from the original site and settle in other parts of the body causing further damage. When this happens the cancers that have spread are called ‘metastases or ‘secondaries'.

What and where is the prostate?


The prostate is a gland found only in men and is just below the bladder. When you pass urine it flows through a tube (urethra) and out through the penis. The urethra has to pass through the prostate before reaching the penis. This is why some men have problems with urinating when they have an enlarged prostate.

Can Prostate Cancer be cured?  Can anything be done?

If detected at an early stage, prostate cancer can be relatively straightforward to treat and there is a good chance that it can be dealt with once and for all. Prostate cancers are not the same in all men.   Some are fast growing and spread quickly others grow very slowly. Several different treatment options may be open to you.

I need to talk to someone!

 Our confidential helpline 0800 774 7560 is manned from 9am-9pm 365 days per year.   We are waiting to take your calls and listen to your concerns.

My partner will not talk about it!

What treatment can he get?

How can I get him to get treatment and advice?

Quite common reaction particularly in the early days after diagnosis.  Allow him to talk when he is ready and be prepared to listen to his concerns.   Get support for yourself – ring helpline /book appointment with GP – arm yourself with information for when he is ready to talk.